LeapFrog Leapster Game: Buscando a Nemo Review

  • A learning game system
  • Teaches in Spanish
  • Teaches numbers and math, phonics and reading, science and reasoning
  • Recommended age range from 4 to 6 years

Price: $24.99
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Product Description
Juego de aprendizaje Leapster: Buscando a Nemo, Leer Bajo el Mar

En la profundidad del ocano, un joven pez llamado Nemo ha sido capturado y llevado muy lejos de su hogar. Nada junto con el super protectivo padre de Nemo, Marln, y su olvidadiza amiga Dory, en este cuento pico sobre la bsqueda de un padre por su nico hijo.
Qu ensea: nmeros y matemticas, lectura, fontica, ciencias y razonamiento

Deep in the ocean, a young clown fish named Nemo has been captured and taken far from his home. Swim along with Nemo's overprotective father, Marlin, and his forgetful friend, Dory, on this epic tale of a father's quest to rescue his only son!
What it Teaches: Numbers & math, Phonics & reading, Science & reasoning